Notification Details | |
Notification Number | |
Notification Date | 1st January 1970 |
Notification Title | |
Application Start Date | 1st January 1970 |
Application End Date | 1st January 1970 |
Last Date to print Application | 1st January 1970 |
Application Fees | For General/OBC : Rs. For SC/ST : Rs. For Person with Disability : Rs. |
Post Name | Number of Post | Age | Qualification Required | Experience Required | Nature of Job | ||
Data Entry Operator | Total: 168, Gen: 100, OBC: 41, SC: 19, ST: 8, Person with Disability: 0 | Born on or After : 20th February 1986 and or or before : 20th February 2003 | Secondary, Higher Secondary | No | Full Time | ||
Web Designer | Total: 15, Gen: 9, OBC: 5, SC: 1, ST: 0, Person with Disability: 0 | Born on or After : 20th February 1986 and or or before : 20th February 2003 | Secondary, Higher Secondary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduate | No | Full Time | ||
Content Writer | Total: 165, Gen: 99, OBC: 41, SC: 18, ST: 7, Person with Disability: 0 | Born on or After : 20th February 1986 and or or before : 20th February 2003 | Secondary, Higher Secondary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduate, Secondary, Higher Secondary | No | Full Time | ||
Computer Networking Technician | Total: 46, Gen: 27, OBC: 11, SC: 6, ST: 2, Person with Disability: 0 | Born on or After : 20th February 1986 and or or before : 20th February 2003 | Secondary, Higher Secondary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduate, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduate | No | Full Time | ||
Office Assistant | Total: 39, Gen: 21, OBC: 13, SC: 2, ST: 3, Person with Disability: 0 | Born on or After : 20th February 1986 and or or before : 20th February 2003 | Secondary, Higher Secondary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduate, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduate, Secondary, Higher Secondary | No | Full Time |
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